
Working with Andrew was a unique healing experience – like no other.  He is divinely connected and guided ad takes you on an inward journey allowing you to find the answers deep within your mind, body and soul.  In just two sessions, he helped me uncover my inner turmoil and held space for me to find the power within to heal.

He teaches you that YOU hold the key within yourself.  He teaches you that you ARE divine source, not separate from it.  He teaches you to BE pure love.  What a priceless experience.

If you are sitting on the fence about working with him, then jump right off and onto a session!  Highly recommended.

Deb Flanagan. Australia

Andrew came into my life at the right time, when I was at breaking point and ready to give up. I was so full of self sabatoge, that I needed a divine intervention. He is an incredible and amazing healer and facilitator.

He showed me ways to bring love to myself and to remind me how much I mattered. I have been to many healers in the past few years and I have never had the results as I have had with Andrew. My family and friends have noticed huge differences in me the way I treat myself.

They are blown away by my motivation, and determination for giving myself the respect and love that i so needed and deserved in my life. I finally have that life that I always dreamed of living and putting myself up on that pedestal, that I have always done with everyone else. Realising my own self worth has given me so much appreciation and happiness for me.

I am truly thankful for Andrew’s extraordinary healing abilities. I feel very lucky to have him heal and guide me during this lifetime.

Ciara Brown, Ireland

Andrew did a healing on me around the end of July and end of August where I specifically asked for my neck to be worked on. I have had lifelong neck issues causing me to go to the chiropractor or massage therapist once a week, which I have done for years.

I realized I still have not had an adjustment done since these two healings!!! Its been several months! Usually, I’m in such bad pain that I literally can barely wait a week to go in and no matter how busy I am with 5 kids, I find time and money. I can still feel the need to go in and have some body work done but I’m not in such uncomfortable pain that I’m scrambling to get in for relief!

I didn’t even realize this until a few weeks ago and traced it back to the healings. Its not just a coincidence as I’ve seen many miracles with your kind of healing, but this was my first personal testimony that has blown my mind! Thank you so much.

Cara, USA

Making a connection with Andrew and experiencing his healing gifts has hands down been one of the biggest blessings of the year for me; and perhaps one of the most profound in my life thus far.

Andrew recently helped me through a situation in which I was feeling really out of sorts and seemingly unable to communicate effectively in ANY area of my life. My personal and professional relationships were beginning to suffer because of this; and as someone who has always taken pride in being a very strong and thoughtful communicator, I found this to be very confusing and downright annoying AF.

During our session Andrew helped me to see and understand a past life connection that had grown so strong that it was literally infiltrating my current life. The way Andrew heals is so pure and so loving that not only did I feel physically better when we were finished, but I also experienced a balancing peace within my heart knowing that I had just set myself FREE from chains that served no purpose to my life any longer.

As an energy practitioner myself, I have worked with and also trained countless people in developing their own intuitions, and I can honestly say that I’ve never met someone with an energy like Andrew’s. He is the real deal and you will feel nothing less than love and gentle energy when you work with him.

I can’t recommend booking with Andrew enough! I look forward to working with you again brother.

Erica Neely, USA

Andrew is an extraordinary healer. I had a distant healing session with him yesterday and could feel the effects almost immediately as the session began. I could feel energetic debris which had attached to me being removed and going out through my feet and hands. Immediately I felt clearer. As the session continued, more and more layers were removed as my body registered quite dramatically in response. The work was quick, efficient and very deep.

His insights shared afterwards resonated with me and was delivered compassionately. I felt great after the session! I would highly recommend Andrew without any hesitation if you’re looking for real results, and with someone who has a down-to-earth approach to working skilfully in the higher realms.

Kwun, UK

I was really amazed at Andrews ability to tune in to my energy even though I live 6hrs away. I was having problems with deep pressure behind my eye because of a suspected tumor. He did the treatment in the evening and by the next morning the pressure was almost gone and I am pleased to say it has never returned. Incredible! Thank you Andrew x

Vicky, Scotland

I saw Andrew doing mini healing sessions on a few Facebook lives and immediately knew he was incredibly gifted. Even though I wasn’t entirely sure what it was I was looking for healing wise, I knew he would and decided to book a session with him.

I had several things going on that he picked up on without me even saying anything about those areas specifically. I was feeling very down and depressed and immense sadness. I had other common issues with my sinuses, throat soreness or feeling restricted, cysts in my sides that often cause inflammation, random lower abdominal pain, shooting pains down my thighs to my knees and pain in my feet.

I spent an hour with Andrew over a video call. He was led to all of the problem areas and I was able to feel an incredible vibrating and pulsating energy move through my body as he, “worked his magic” as I put it. I felt incredibly uplifted and positive like a weight had been physically lifted off my shoulders.

I was very tired later in the day. It was as though I was able to feel that my body was still healing from top to bottom and I just needed rest to let it continue to run it’s course. I’ve been sleeping great. No pain in the usual places and I feel very positive with a ton of energy.

Overall, it was a beautiful experience and I’m very glad I reached out to him. He’s an amazing soul, full of light and love and he has such an incredible healing energy to give to anyone in need!

Tiffany Wheat, USA

Book your session with Andrew HERE