Psychic Surgery Is Not A New Alternative Therapy

It has been around since the 1940s and was first pioneered in the Philippines, although the way we operate in this country is very different since no physical incisions are made. UK Psychic Surgeons work on the etheric body/Hologram of the individual, which is a mirror copy of the physical body. Changes that are made to the etheric body are then mirrored back into the physical body. These changes can be gradual or they may be instant.

This is a better method of Psychic Surgery compared to the traditional method using scalpels or methods to introduce numbness to the body and medicines that can, as there is no skin cutting and conforms to all medical law. Only qualified medical surgeons and personnel are allowed to cut the skin in the UK.

Before the spiritual operation begins, the spirit surgeons then blend with the facilitator to give the client an experience of feeling relaxed and mostly loved, feeling secure with no pain experienced. Usually, most clients report feeling very relaxed and being aware they cannot move the part of their body the operation is taking place on. Clients still have full feeling of their body parts, just the knowledge they cannot move the part being worked on.

This isn’t the same as any normal procedure; normally, a client requires being induced with anaesthesia/anaesthetic for conventional operations that are applied either locally to a certain body part or fully, hence the client would be in a sleep-like state.

With Psychic Surgery, the client is always fully awake and many report feeling “movement” inside their body whilst the spiritual operation is taking place; however, they feel no pain.

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